Patients in Focus

Patients in Focus

A Closer Look at Real Patient Stories

We reached out to the following adult patients with moderate to severe RA, or moderate to severe UC who were prescribed XELJANZ after TNF blockers did not work well or could not be tolerated. Learn about their journeys on XELJANZ by exploring their stories below. Individual results may vary. Patient ambassador stories have been created in partnership with Pfizer.

Meet Alison

Meet Alison

Diagnosis: Moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis

Alison has been living with moderate to severe RA since she was 19. At that time, she relied on her mother’s support, but since becoming a mother herself, Alison wondered how much her RA diagnosis could impact her daughter’s life. Alison tried different medications—including a TNF blocker, but still wasn’t having consistency in the management of her disease.

The impact of XELJANZ

Alison didn’t want to settle and talked to her doctor about her treatment plan. Alison and her doctor discussed the benefits and serious side effects of XELJANZ as a treatment option. They decided as a team that she would try XELJANZ. With XELJANZ, Alison noticed an improvement in her joint pain and stiffness over time.*
*Individual results may vary.

When you feel better, you want to share that with the ones you love and your family.
- Alison
Patient blockquote

My mom was my support system

“My mom was my support system”

With XELJANZ, Alison has been able to manage her RA symptoms. For her, finding an effective treatment wasn’t just about feeling better physically, but also about feeling well enough to share her experiences with her family. Alison was thankful that her mom was able to see her condition improve before she passed away.

Alison in focus

Alison likes creating many memories with her daughter—and one of her favorites is tending to their chicken coop. From gathering eggs to baking delicious cookies—Alison looks forward to the things she loves most, like enjoying time with her daughter.

Alison in focus
Ready to talk to your doctor? Find out more about XELJANZ to see if it could be right for you. Learn More

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