Questions To Ask
Are you currently meeting your treatment goals? There may be other appropriate options for you and your doctor to discuss. By considering important questions and reviewing relevant terms, you can help make sure you and your doctor are on the same page regarding your treatment plan.
For adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis when TNF blockers did not work well or could not be tolerated.
For adults with active psoriatic arthritis when TNF blockers did not work well or could not be tolerated.
For adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when TNF blockers did not work well or could not be tolerated.
Some Topics For Discussion
Before your next appointment, consider the following questions and select ones to help you and your doctor discuss the risks and benefits of treatment with XELJANZ or XELJANZ XR for your moderate to severe RA.
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Some Topics For Discussion
Before your next appointment, consider the following questions. Then select ones to help you and your doctor discuss the risks and benefits of treatment with XELJANZ or XELJANZ XR for your active psoriatic arthritis.
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Some Topics For Discussion
Before your next appointment, consider the following questions and select ones to help you and your doctor discuss the risks and benefits of treatment with XELJANZ or XELJANZ XR for your moderate to severe ulcerative colitis (UC).
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Speaking The Same Language
No matter where you are with your treatment, being able to clearly communicate your treatment goals, expectations—and even frustrations—is crucial to having an honest conversation with your doctor. Before your next appointment, use this glossary as a handy reference to help you and your doctor align on a treatment plan you both believe in.
Articular Cartilage
A type of connective tissue that covers the surfaces of bones at the joints, providing cushioning and allowing the bones to slide or move against one another easily.
Bony Ankylosis
A serious complication resulting in the fusing of bones together that can lead to complete immobility.
Fibrous Ankylosis
An abnormal connection between the bones in a joint that can impair movement and lead to stiffness.
Joint Damage
Joint damage from rheumatoid arthritis is caused by destruction of bone and cartilage and can result in joint erosion and joint space narrowing. If untreated or undertreated, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to permanent joint damage. Certain treatments may help reduce further joint damage.
Joint Inflammation
Swelling due to the body’s immune system response. In patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation is believed to be the cause of joint pain and swelling.
Granulation tissue that can be caused by joint inflammation. In rheumatoid arthritis, this tissue can invade and erode cartilage and bone.
A thin membrane that surrounds the joints and produces synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints.
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Speaking The Same Language
No matter where you are with your treatment, being able to clearly communicate your treatment goals, expectations—and even frustrations—is crucial to having an honest conversation with your doctor. Before your next appointment, use this glossary as a handy reference to help you and your doctor align on a treatment plan you both believe in.
Articular Cartilage
A type of connective tissue that covers the surfaces of bones at the joints, providing cushioning and allowing the bones to slide or move against one another easily.
Bony Ankylosis
A serious complication resulting in the fusing of bones together that can lead to complete immobility.
Inflammation and swelling of the fingers or toes that may reduce mobility and cause tenderness.
Inflammation where tendons and ligaments insert into bone—like the Achilles tendon.
Fibrous Ankylosis
An abnormal connection between the bones in a joint that can impair movement and lead to stiffness.
Joint Damage
Joint damage from psoriatic arthritis is caused by destruction of bone and cartilage and can result in joint erosion and joint space narrowing. If untreated or undertreated, psoriatic arthritis can lead to permanent joint damage. Certain treatments may help reduce further joint damage.
Joint Inflammation
Swelling due to the body’s immune system response. In patients with active psoriatic arthritis, inflammation is believed to be the cause of symptoms in different areas of the body.
A thin membrane that surrounds the joints and produces synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints.
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Speaking The Same Language
Before you speak with your doctor, it can be helpful to review some medical terms and definitions you may need when discussing your ulcerative colitis. Use this glossary tool as a handy reference as you prepare for your next appointment.
It’s a condition where the body has fewer red blood cells than normal, which may result in fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, and irregular heartbeat.
Bowel Urgency
Strong urge to have a bowel movement.
The colon, or large bowel, is a tube-like organ connected to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other. The colon removes water, and some nutrients and electrolytes, from partially digested food.
A colonoscopy is an exam where your gastroenterologist uses a thin, flexible, lighted tube with an attached camera to view your colon, and possibly to take tissue samples.
An ulcerative colitis flare, or flare-up, is the return of UC symptoms after a period of remission. Flares can involve diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, rectal pain and bleeding, fatigue, and urgent bowel movements.
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
This is a procedure where your gastroenterologist uses a slender, flexible, lighted tube to examine the rectum and the last portion of your colon. It’s sometimes performed in place of a full colonoscopy.
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Bleeding in any part of the gastrointestinal tract.
Gastrointestinal Tract (GI Tract)
The large, muscular tube that extends from the mouth to the anus, where the movement of muscles and the release of hormones and enzymes help with the digestion of food. Also called the digestive tract.
Irritation or swelling. In UC, the symptoms a person experiences can vary, depending on how severe the inflammation is and where it occurs in the intestine.
Mucosa is the innermost layer of the GI tract. Mucosal surfaces are areas in the body where absorption happens. The inflammation of ulcerative colitis is typically limited to the colonic mucosa.
Rectal Bleeding
Rectal bleeding can refer to any blood that passes from your anus.
The last several inches of the large intestine closest to the anus.
Remission is a time when your UC symptoms are under control or you are experiencing few to no symptoms.
Stool Frequency
The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely depending on the person, and may also be affected by the severity of an underlying medical condition.
Tenesmus is the feeling of needing to pass stool even when the bowels are empty.
A sore on the skin’s surface or on the stomach or intestinal lining.
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